Tuesday 13 October 2015

Creating awareness - Ryan International School,Vashi

HeartBites continues to spread it's message of sharing and awareness on child abuse.

The Team of 6 from ITM Business School , Kharghar , was more than warmly welcomed amidst a Unique,thundering clap of Ryan School students which they fondly call it as a Ryan Clap. The smiling , gleeful faces of such young, innocent kids can never fail to  brighten anyone’s day!

The seminar was begun by Dr Ellis who was leading our team  from ITM. He began by setting a fun-filled and a light mood for the  children by telling them sweet little jokes about school life and thus  connecting to them while also introducing the HEART FOUNDATION and its Projects to the Ryan students and Faculty.

The seminar  was continued by  other speakers from ITM who were successful in  driving all the messages of Heart Foundation - importance of not wasting of food, sharing of food ,helping ourselves and others ,significance of saving water and electricity. The team was successful in covering all the aspects of what Heart Foundation stands for.The entire seminar was a completely interactive session and fun filled at the same time where the children did more talking,shouting and cheering than our team!!!

The kids listened with undivided attention and showed great enthusiasm and participation in all the issues covered, proving both their concern and interest in all the social issues. The students of Ryan were also mature enough to respond and take in well the sensitive issues of Drug Abuse and Child Abuse.

The seminar was concluded in their Dear way by using their extremely special Ryan Claps, touching all our Hearts again!

It was followed by a brief Photo session with the kids to record our sweet memories forever.It was one of those days when you wonder ”whether Kids  learn from you or you learn more from them”.Kudos to Ryan and to Heart Foundation  to reach out to them to make a difference,teach and grow empathy!!

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